Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Point of Thanks

Last Sunday I was watching television. Surfing the channels I found myself on "meTV", watching Joel Osteen give a message. I had heard things about this man, both from Tim and others, that made me curious about whether I would hear a prosperity Gospel.

He talked about a tree, I think it's Japanese tree, that spends four years putting down roots, but only in the fifth year does it start to flourish. He then shared that for those listening who were suffering, their fifth year was coming. Soon God would bless then, financially and spiritually. He even made the point that this wasn't heavenly blessing, but blessing for now. Prosperity rubbish, and I only watched for five minutes.

As I listened, I felt sad, but I also felt my heart well up with thankfulness.  Because, while there are many stresses for me each Sunday (will Sunday school work well, will this person be back, will I have the energy to make it through, will we have enough food?), there is one thing I never even think to worry about. I know that when my husband opens his mouth, he will speak the Gospel. He will tell what the Bible says. He will preach the truth, even when it's tough to hear. He will not preach another Gospel (Galatians 1:8), he will not preach what people's itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3). He works hard, every week, to share the Bible's message with all of us at Grace.  And that is a great thing, for me as a listener who needs to be feed and changed, and as a member of a church family all in the same boat.

I can trust my husband to speak God's word. And while I don't think to thank God for it often, I should. Because, as we all need to remember, if you don't have the Gospel at your plant church, you might as well just be watching meTV.


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